Monday, October 19, 2009

IUI tomorrow morning

No pictures today or measurements. But all of the follicles increased in size... and another one magically appeared today as well. But they are concerned that my one follicle (my star follie) is getting a bit "too big" to keep that egg from releasing. they decided tomorrow is the day. Three follicles look ready to go, and another day would probably yield two more. They just don't think it is worth it to hold out for the others. Tomorrow it is then.

An ovidrel injection tonight and an early morning date with a catheter... and a good sense of self and humor :) Glad the husband is able to take off part of the morning to spend the procedure with me. The moral support is much appreciated given the sterility of the situation...

1 comment:

  1. Crossing my fingers for you!!!!

    I'm new to your blog and I found you through Bingo!
