Friday, November 27, 2009

the end of a lost cycle... and the loss of a family member

We are now nearing a most challenging month, both with infertility and with the family.  Last Wednesday the 19th, we got the call that Jeff's uncle had passed away. The blow was not so hard to bear knowing how ill he was and that he is no longer suffering. But any loss forces you to look at life through new eyes. The rose colored glasses come off and you again are reminded of how fragile and fleeting life is. We went to the calling hours this past Monday and Jeff was planning on going to the funeral the next day while I went for the laparoscopy/hysteroscopy. In the end though, it seems everyone felt his place was by my side.... so that is where he was. It was a tough decision and I struggled with simply canceling the surgery, but no one wanted me to do that either.

The procedure was successful... nothing major to report-almost as if it was just not necessary in the first place. It gives me peace of mind, but at the same time... we have lost a cycle and had to miss a funeral for it.

Now we must choose what our next step is. Jeff is now on testosterone treatment and it remains to be seen how badly that affects his count. The doctor believes the morphology is related to the low testosterone. Hopefully the count will not suffer to much for the prospective improvement in morph. This next cycle is out due to recuperation falling right at the border of both cycles. At least we are set with insurance no matter what route we take-except for IVF-no one covers that!


  1. So sorry to hear about your loss!

    It sounds like we are on a similar path. My DH also has low count and morphology (and motility) and some of it was due to low testosterone. He now takes Tamoxifen and Arimidex daily to balance his hormone levels. Their effectiveness has been a bit mixed for us, though. One SA showed pretty positive increases; another showed very little difference. Not sure what to think. We're gearing up for IUI and/or IVF after the first of the year.

    Will be following your journey!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hope your recovery from your surgery is quick and I am so sorry for your family's loss.

    Mel the Stirrup Queen just pointed me to your blog regarding the prostatitis - I just started a blog and that's one of the main problems we faced.

    My husband was dealing with acute bacterial prostatitis for most of his life, and his SAs were very similar to the ones of your husband: count okay, motility low, but not horrific and morph sucks.

    Are your docs sure that the prostatitis is completely gone and not a contributing factor in your DH's pain and the numbers? My hubby told me that his pain was so bad sometimes that he thought of killing himself in the worst of it. The urologist we FINALLY found that knew what the problem was said that prostatitis is very difficult to cure quickly and most definitely can cause the numbers we were seeing. (helps that he was a specialist in fertility issues)

    It took almost a year and a half with different meds and a surgery thrown in for him to finally be pronounced clear.

    I am familiar with testicular torsion and can't imagine why the docs didn't work with your poor DH when he had it.

    Oh wait, I can since we've dealt with many incredibly stupid doctors over the years. :(
