Saturday, October 15, 2011

quick update...

I, again, am a bad blogger. I might just have a follower out there waiting with baited breath for an update - and nothing! 

So here goes a quick update. We had our 12 week sonogram on10/6 and outside of a terribly uncooperative and sleepy baby (sort of like me), all looks right on track and heartbeat is a nice 152 beats per minute. Nuchal translucency looked good from the slightly unreliable measurement. Baby is just not interested in lying on its back and once jostled around enough with me switching from side to side on the table-it became more active in a way I imagine I would react if all I wanted to do was nap and no one would leave me be. It's gotta be a boy... his father's family is nothing but uncooperative on the male side :)

I would have posted sonogram images by now, but my scanner also does not want to cooperate. Those will simply have to wait. I may have to photograph myself too since it seems I am an early "popper" already evident at just over 13 weeks.

Now I must go prepare the house for our 3rd birthday party this month. October hosts a plethora of family birthdays. Thank goodness we dodged that month!